Sunday, 23 April 2017

Roll up roll up!

Well, here it is people. My Etsy shop is finally open. Click here to go straight to it.

Alternatively here's what I've got up there.

My trusty old dinosaur alphabet

Allosaurus Brachiosaurus Corythosaurus Dimorphodon Elasmosaurus Fabrosaurus Giganotosaurus Harpymimus Iguanadon Janenschia Kentrosaurus Leptoceratops Mixosaurus Nodosaurus Oviraptor Parasaurolophus Quetzalcoatlus Riojasaurus Stegosaurus Tyrannosaurus Utahraptor Vulcanodon Wuerhosaurus Xiaosaurus Yaguarasaurus Zuniceratops Indominus alphabet dinosaur velociraptor

My solar system poster

Allosaurus Brachiosaurus Corythosaurus Dimorphodon Elasmosaurus Fabrosaurus Giganotosaurus Harpymimus Iguanadon Janenschia Kentrosaurus Leptoceratops Mixosaurus Nodosaurus Oviraptor Parasaurolophus Quetzalcoatlus Riojasaurus Stegosaurus Tyrannosaurus Utahraptor Vulcanodon Wuerhosaurus Xiaosaurus Yaguarasaurus Zuniceratops Indominus alphabet dinosaur velociraptor Anomalocaris Brontoscorpio Cameroceras Dolichopterus Erbenochile Fuxianhuia Guiyu oneiros Hallucigenia Isotelus Jamoytius Kooteninchela Lituites Mixopterus Neoasaphus Opabinia Pterygotus Quadrops Rhyniella Sacabambaspsis Thelodus Urokodia Vetustovermis Wiwaxia Xidazoon Yohoia Zhongjianichthys Arthropleura Batrachiderpeton Cephalaspis Dimetrodon Eusthenopteron Fleurantia Gorgonops Hylonomus Ianthasaurus Jiuchengia knoxosaurus Lystrosaurus Meganeura Moschops Niassodon Ophiacodon Placerias Quasipetalichthys Rautiania Stethacanthus Tiktaalik Urocordylus Viatkogorgon Whatcheeria Xenacanthus Yunnanolepis Zatrachys plobbbob

Holst's Solar system

See ya later!

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

"By the Solstar Order!"

I've had a bit of a comic renaissance over the past couple of years. I started getting Howard the Duck primarily for the ridiculousness of it and also to sort of promote one of the weirdest Marvel characters. I also started reading a comic called Age of Reptiles by Ricardo Delgado which, of course, was about dinosaurs.

I lost interest in Howard after issue 8 I think and Age of Reptiles was only a short run. I thought that was the end of my comic-buying. Then I happened upon the cover for issue 1 of Rom Spaceknight...I know, I had never heard of it too.

Turns out this is about a space-travelling crusader trying to stamp out these aliens called dire wraiths. It's not all that bad. Imagine a sort of extremely noble medievalish iron man fighting horde after horde of blobby Thing creatures that can masquerade as humans. He's got a pretty weird history and has teamed up with the X Men and Transformers over the years,  io9 did quite a good article on him a while back.

Anyway, I got a bit inspired so here's some shameless fanart of Rom doing battle with some dire wraiths.